Is Gluten Bad for Everyone?

Since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease two years ago, then completely cutting out the gluten and still not feeling back to myself, I have been on a journey, or more like a mission to feel better! I have dedicated much of my time to learning all that I can about Celiac Disease, gluten sensitivity and have along the way learned about health, wellness and foods in general.

Last night I had the opportunity to listen in on a talk hosted by Ameer Rosic, Health and Vitality Specialist called, "The Gluten Experts Panel." The panel was made up of Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Nora Gedgaudas and Steve Wright from the SCD Lifestyle

Hear first hand what leading experts in the field of health and wellness have to say about the following questions in the video below:

What does gluten have to do with infertility?

Celiac disease diagnoses has increased 400% in the last 50 years. Why are we all of a sudden having these problems with gluten?

What does gluten do to the barrier of your gut?

What does gluten have to do with migraines?

What is cross-reactivity?

What is the connection between gluten and neurological function? What about psychiatric symptoms and ADHD? Here's more about what Dr. Tom has to say about the role that gluten plays on individuals diagnosed with ADHD in, "Silent Celiac Disease, and ADHD."

What other types of grains is gluten found in?
Is there cross-reactivity with Gluten and coffee?

What kinds of testing is available for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity?

If you are interested in finding out more about how gluten is effecting YOU, why not take part in my Two- Week Gluten Free Challenge taking place in May? Click here for more information and to sign up at my Facebook page, GLUTEN FREE B.

Who is the challenge for?

Anyone who personally experiences the following symptoms, disorders or diseases or who has a child who falls into this category: 

Fatigue, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, unexplained aches and pains, trouble sleeping, acne, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Restless Leg Syndrome, ADHD, Autism, Infertility, Lupus, Diabetes or Thyroid Disease? Do you generally not feel good or feel depressed? People with these symptoms, diseases or disorders after going on a gluten free diet have seen a marked improvement in their symptoms. In some cases their symptoms have completely disappeared.

What is The Challenge?
During the Two Week Gluten Free Challenge you will have daily support through Facebook discussion and videos from the facilitator as well as support from others who have been on the diet and those trying the diet for the first time. Most importantly you will not be alone as you try to unveil the root of your symptoms possibly linked to gluten. 

What will you learn? 

You will learn what gluten is, why it hurts us, what foods you can’t eat while on the diet, and also discover the endless and exciting possibilities with the foods that you CAN eat. We will share recipes, learn where you can find gluten free foods, learn about hidden ingredients, and learn the benefits of fasting, and eating clean on a regular basis. You will have FUN and are sure to DISCOVER something new and life changing about yourself or your child.

Is this a weight loss program?

The goal of this challenge is not to lose weight. The goal is to feel better. Depending on how gluten is affecting your body, when you go gluten free you may lose weight or gain weight. Some people with celiac disease are underweight because they can’t absorb nutrients due to the small intestine being damaged by gluten. Therefore they usually gain a little weight when they start the gluten free diet.




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