Takes the Trip to SONIC
Here we are taking the long talked about and much anticipated trip to where else, but SONIC. If anyone knows my hubby, they know he grew up on fast food, so like Italian food is in my blood, fast food is in his blood. He’s proud to say that he worked hard to earn his rank as the Swing Manager at the Brea, CA McDonald’s at seventeen years old, and to this day he has all of the pins he earned saved in a special box as memoirs.
Before taking the trip, I got my work out on, went got lost for over an hour in KOHL’S shopping because I had to spend my $20 in KOHL’S cash and save my 30% off today. Around 10:30 I received the urgent text, “What’s your ETA, I’m hungry.” Knowing my husband he hasn’t eaten for days so that he can get his money’s worth in gas by eating as much as he can at SONIC today. As soon as I walked in the house he rattled off the list of foods that he was salivating over, but contemplating about, because he knew that realistically he couldn’t eat it all without being sick: a double bacon cheeseburger, corn dog, chili cheese cony and an extra large Cherry Limeade with extra lime and easy on the ice. When I asked him if he ate anything today, he said with a smirk, (because he knows I know him and his food planning obsessions), “Just one bowl of cerealJ”
I understand his excitement about this place to an extent. When we lived in Ft. Hood, TX we often stopped by SONIC for Cherry Limeades which in my opinion are the only thing worth going to SONIC for even before I was gluten free. I remember when I was pregnant with my first son I ordered something other than a Cherry Limeade, it was a hot fudge sundae with nuts. Sounds pretty normal, right? Once they skated it out to me, I dumped the hot fudge sundae, nuts and all into the Cherry Limeade and that was as crazy as I got with my weird food cravings across all three of my pregnancies. I know that's nothing compared to some of the weird banana pepper, ice cream and banana combinations I've heard about from one friend in particular. You know who you are!:)
As we were driving along, I figured, why not check to see if SONIC happens to have a gluten free menu. Hey you never know! You’ll be as thrilled as I was about the extent of the menu:
Breakfast sausage patty
Hamburger, no bun
Hotdog, no bun
Sliced American cheese
Shredded cheddar cheese
Pepper jack cheese
Egg patty (may be contaminated from cooking on the same griddle as non-gluten-free foods)
Marinara sauce
Salad dressings, all varieties in the usual menu*
Shake mix (Shakes may be made in the same container as malts. Ask the staff to clean the container to prevent cross-contamination.)
Soft serve ice cream
Hershey's chocolate syrup
Butterfinger, M&M, Reese's Pieces, and whipped toppings
Route 44 drinks, all flavors in the usual menu*
Slushes, all flavors in the usual menu*
*Special menu items are not included in this list.
Although Sonic's Tater Tots and French fries are gluten free, they may have gluten contamination from being fried with gluten-containing menu items.
Sounds great, right? Makes me want to order a couple slices of bacon with a piece of pepper jack cheese on the side and a couple ketchup packets, NOT! That’s OK, though, I won’t starve and on top of that I won’t feel sick or guilty after I’m done eating my lunch today. This gluten free girl is now accustomed to preparation which was a habit that developed over time. Admittedly, there isn’t much room for spontaneity (which I happen to miss a bit), when you’re gluten free. You can’t just take a road trip without wondering what you’re going to eat, let alone what’s going to satisfy you, but you learn to accept it and embrace it.
So, today I will enjoy my homemade green smoothie, that I already slurped down, my Marianni cranberry, nuts and honey bar (so yummy, found at Wal-Mart) and my spinach salad covered in avocado, olives and hard- boiled egg with Ken’s balsamic vinegar.
After that, we headed to Poughkeepsie for a nice, but chilly walk across the Hudson River Walkway. I got my workout again by running with the kids, took some nice pictures and watched a train go right under the bridge we were walking on. 
I should mention that on the way back through Kingston my husband had me fill out an online survey on my iphone so that we could get a FREE Cherry Limeade for the trip back home. People who know him, are saying of course he did this. Who would pass up a free offer even if it means your wife is car sick by the end of the 10 minute survey?
All jokes aside, a gluten free diet can be difficult to accept and deal with on a regular basis, especially when you’re living with others who don’t have to or just aren’t concerned about their diets. However, the gluten free diet has definitely helped me become more disciplined and appreciative of the food I can eat. Over time, I’ve learned that not adhering to a strictly gluten free diet was causing me more pain and suffering than it was worth cheating for. I’ve learned so much, and helped so many people open their eyes to food and its effects on our bodies and I would not change any of this for the world!
If you or anyone you know is starting a gluten free diet for whatever reason and would like support or encouragement, please contact me with any questions you might have. You may also want to consider taking part in my Two-Week Gluten Free Facebook Challenge. Go to my Facebook Page for more information.
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