How Being Weird Can be Good for You

Giving up something I love for something I love even more is a theme that has played in my life in many different instances over the past few years. This is something that I put a name to when I read Pastor Craig Groeshcel’s book, Weird a few years ago. He talks about being different or weird; doing things that not everyone is doing so that you can live a healthy, joyful, good life, living and serving others as Jesus would. This doesn’t mean being different just to be different, but it means really listening to what God is leading you to do even when what you’re doing is good or you’re good at it. He says that just because it’s a good idea or you’re good at it doesn’t mean you have to do it. Many of us myself, included, get trapped into this kind of thinking and get confused and distracted about what we should really be doing according to the plans that our divine creator has for us.  
As I’ve come to trust and lean on God through my struggles over the past few years, I’ve learned more and more about how it feels when God is speaking to me and asking me to do something that, to others may seem strange or even wrong. This often involves taking a chance or even a risk.  It often feels like the wrong thing to do because we’re so used to measuring up to the world’s standards.  A prime example of this is when I quit my good paying, great benefits, secure job that I could do working from home. I quit something I really loved and was really good at it, for something I loved even more, but wasn’t really good at- taking care of my family. This weird decision prompted me to make my next  weird, God-driven decision, which was changing my diet and lifestyle.
Let me attempt to draw the lines about how being weird and going gluten free goes together. Mind you, I drew this parallel in my mind while I was running, which is where I of course do my best thinking and I will have to go on a tangent to make that connection, so hang in there!  Did I mention I LOVE RUNNING?! Did you know that there was a time not too long ago that I actually wrote off running in my mind for good, like for the rest of my life? I even wrote off skiing and wearing high heels, things I had always done and enjoyed and took for granted. After being gluten free for a little over a year, I am beyond thrilled to say now that I have been running and wearing high heels and am planning to go skiing next week with my husband who I might add, I converted from snow boarder to skier, yay!J
Before being gluten free, then trying dairy free I couldn’t do those things I love because I was in pain; so much pain that sometimes when I put pressure on my right leg a shooting pain would go from my hip down the side of my leg. My lower back was stiff all the time and I had to stretch not only when I got up in the morning but multiple times a day throughout the day. On top of that, my hips hurt and even after trying things like, getting a new mattress, alternating a hot pad and ice, taking IB prophen and muscle relaxers (only because I was so desperate), seeing chiropractors, physical therapists and massage therapists, I was still in pain.  I pretty much ran the gambit with solutions, including lots of prayer. I was not about to be a zombie and take a bunch of pain killers so I could be pain free, I had to function as a mom, a wife and the person that I’d always been; a go-getter, a get it done kind of girl! I had plans for myself, but better yet and little did I realize, God had plans for me!
I loved gluten, but finally accepted that I had to give it up for good because I had been diagnosed with celiac disease and those were the doctor’s orders for healing. When I knew I had been completely gluten free for almost a year, I was very upset when I was (better but), still in a lot of pain. About six months ago I did some research and saw that some people found their pain went away when they went dairy- free. As hard as it was, and as much as I didn’t want to accept this, I knew that God wanted me to try this. Again, he wanted me to give up something I LOVE-  sharp cheddar, monetary jack, mozzarella, cream cheese,  pizza (even gluten free) and the list goes on, for something I loved even more- Running, Skiing, feeling young and pretty in high heels. These are the things that made me, me and gave me life!
I am happy to say that now with the addition of a daily vitamin regiment, a Bragg’s apple cider vinegar regiment, probiotics and continuing to stay gluten free that I believe my stomach is finally starting to repair itself and is able to handle dairy in small quantities-Thank you Jesus! This is a victory! What I’ve found is that when my stomach is upset it causes my lower back to hurt and this affects my whole body.  I have read a little bit about intestinal flora and having that all balanced, but I don’t completely understand the physiology and biology behind it. What I do know is that if I continued to stay stubborn and do what much of the world would do; take the diagnosis from the doctor of fibromyalgia and take medications to cope with that, I would be in a very different place right now. Please don’t get me wrong.  I don’t doubt that fibromyalgia is a true diagnosis, or that people should not take medication for that. What I am saying is that I was not going to stop at that diagnosis and God was urging me to try something different.
I want you to know that God wants you healthy. He doesn’t want you to suffer, and he has given you doctors to help you, but doctors are not God. I urge you to seek God in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Perhaps your path is to change your diet. If it is, I can help you. I can support you and coach you along the way because I can tell you first hand that it is tough emotionally, mentally and physically giving up something you love. But on the other hand, it is that much more rewarding to be changed spiritually and then see God’s glory and splendor when through your weakness he makes you strong again- physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s just so amazing the way our God works!


  1. OOhhhh, let me tell you back.....I AGREE!!!! Changing the way you eat is VERY tough physically, mentally AND MOST OF ALL FOR ME...EMOTIONALLY! As you know, but most of you followers do not, I decided to start the Beachbody Ultimate Reset 10 days ago because I let my "clean" eating habits (dairy free & gluten free) take a back seat while I jumped around the country over my 2 week break. MAN OH MAN did that take a toll on my body! I wanted to use the Ultimate Reset to get back on track again because it made me feel fantastic the first time I did it! BUT WHOA....the 1st 4 days I was on an emotional roller coaster from you know where! I was depriving my body of something it had gotten used to... I wasn't allowing any sugars, alcohol or dairy to get near me. It was tough! I LOVE cookies and chocolate and homemade brownies and all other yummy baked things, but I'm 10 days in and it's gotten so much easier! I also noticed the increased energy I have, much more regular bathroom trips, and an overall feeling of positive emotions now! It is awesome! Healthy, clean meals are the way to go!



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